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Nourish by Kat Burki


The number one advantage of double cleansing is that your main cleanser is working with a clean face, making it more effective. The first round strips away makeup, sunscreen, dirt, oil and other environmental pollutants and impurities, so that your second cleanser doesn’t have to do double duty. This also ensures that any skincare products applied to the face after cleansing will be more effective as well, as there will be no physical barriers blocking their absorption.

  • 3 min read
Not just another buzzword in the skincare world, PH levels have a pretty significant impact on your skin’s overall health, with lasting effects (positive or negative).
  • 3 min read
Rising temperatures, stronger sunrays and heightened activity are all signs that summer has arrived, but they’re also three reasons you should be reevaluating your skincare routine for the season. Sweat clogs your pores. Breakouts become more common. UV rays are an even bigger threat. Feel prepared to take on these skin challenges with simple shifts in your daily routine. Just a few tweaks to your routine can help make these changes easily, keeping summer stress-free.
  • 4 min read
Whether you’re skincare-curious or have your routine down to a science, you know Vitamin C has some major perks. But what exactly does it do, and what makes Kat Burki’s STAY-C® different? We’re here to tell you everything you need to know, and make some recommendations along the way.
  • 3 min read
Nourish the skin you’re in with the super, nutrient-packed, power-punch wallop of the tiny little goji berry. But what, exactly, is a goji berry, aka wolfberry, you ask?
  • 4 min read
Our body and skin HEALS itself – this is beyond celebratory. It’s not just one ingredient that heals (it never is), but groups that work together in a rhythmic harmony, that only Nature controls. We just study, and apply, and appreciate all that it is.
  • 4 min read
When I was in my late teens, my mom used to slide magazine clippings under my bedroom door with headlines about “the dangers of tanning”. She’d include notes saying things like “if you won’t listen to me, read this,” or simply “FYI.” After a few emergency trips to the local dermatologist to treat my bright red, blistering, sunburned chest, she was desperate to save my youthful, delicate skin. For my friends and me, however, tanning outdoors slathered in baby oil, or indoors confined within skin-searing tanning beds, was our way to a dreamy, ‘healthy’ glow. My mom pleaded, “But honey you have such fair skin.” Enraged, I’d snarl back at her “I do not. I get very tan.” Coming from a green-eyed, red-haired, freckle-faced young woman, it seems absurd that at one point I even yelled at her “my complexion is olive!” Such is youth and the naïve destruction of the youthful skin for which we all now pine.
  • 3 min read
Time to amp up our self-care routine and tap into those Meridian channels. These are the energy points and pathways, based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), that can work together to create beauty and vitality, with a web-like network, connecting the subtle energy (prana or qi) of our body and emotions associated with organs, muscles, fascial tissue and joints.
  • 5 min read
Self-care plays an intrinsic part of wellness, helping you to achieve the balance needed for mind and body health. When it comes to skincare, there is a lot of focus on the face, and not nearly enough attention is given to the rest of the body.
  • 4 min read
In this current climate, when you think of wellness practices - nutrition, exercise, and face-coverings may spring to mind. While proven effective against filtering out countless pathogens in the air, the downside to mask-wearing, is that it can irritate skin and create a condition known as “maskne.” How does it happen?
  • 4 min read
There’s a mysterious allure surrounding minerals that conjures up images of luxurious Himalayan sea salt baths, and glittery silver and copper mines. And yet, on a practical level, in the realm of beauty and skincare, minerals crop up in everything from lipstick to anti-aging creams. Why are they so important? Depending on the mineral, small amounts are needed for countless vital skin functions.
  • 4 min read
The seasons are like a beguiling dance in perpetual motion, swirling around you, alive with reinvention. You vary your wardrobe and choose to eat certain seasonal fruits and vegetables. So, why not do the same for your skin?
  • 4 min read
