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Nourish by Kat Burki

Hyperpigmentation can mean a potpourri of skin conditions. It refers to darker areas of skin tone on your face, hands, arms, or other parts of the body; liver/age spots and even freckles qualify. All ages and every conceivable skin type and shade can be affected. 
  • 4 min read
What makes B vitamins different? Most of us are familiar with B complex, but not as much with the individual B’s. Considered an essential nutrient, each B possesses its own unique benefits, associated with skin health and healing.
  • 4 min read
Summer vibrations, and the ensuing social events, can often lead to increased consumption of negronis, margaritas and all things alcoholic. In moderation, this can add to the jovial atmosphere and fun summer spirit; however, if skin health is a priority for you, it is important to understand the negative effects that alcohol can have on the quality and appearance of your skin, and what you can do to combat it.
  • 2 min read
Move over Botox - there is a new kid in town - FACE YOGA is the new alternative, promising to help you achieve younger, healthier looking skin - no needles required.
  • 5 min read
Sunlight is an enormous part of our daily well-being. It energizes us, improves our mood and synthesizes vitamin D in our skin - the hormone-like vitamin that supports the healthy functioning of so many of our body systems. However, we know that intense exposure to UVA/B radiation from the sun can also damage our skin and, over time, this can contribute to accelerated aging. For all skin tones, safe sun exposure and a non-toxic SPF used daily is essential for outer skin protection. For inside-out protection, specific supplements can also be beneficial in strengthening the skin’s defenses, and are a great complementary solution to your skincare routine.
  • 3 min read
What you put on your skin is important, but that’s not the only thing that affects its health. According to Ayurveda, to truly heal and nourish your skin, you must work from the outside-in, and consider how your system is processing toxins.
  • 4 min read
Continuing from Part Two, we look at other causes and issues around immune responses, and give some delicious and nutritious recipes to assist.
  • 6 min read
It feels as though every day we hear about a new skincare ingredient, product, or condition. Living in a global pandemic for close to a year now, has taught people more about their skin conditions than ever before. Think about it, we all have ample time on our hands to research just about anything. With mask-related acne on the rise, or “maskne” as they call it, people want solutions, and they want them now. At Nourish, we decided to dive a little deeper into the world of adult acne, specifically how it’s connected to our internal health.
  • 4 min read
As our home life continues to revolve around working, homeschooling, Zoom meetings, facetime with friends, and the occasional dancing around our living rooms; we have realized that, for our own sense of self love, we must ensure we take care of our skin and continue to follow essential beauty routines.
  • 1 min read
While studying Nutrition as an undergraduate, I learnt about the body and how it responds to its environment, toxins, nutrition and stress, which is what later inspired me to progress and understand the importance of skin care.
  • 3 min read
When you think of mushrooms, what first comes to mind? Portobellos? Those little, white button mushrooms on pizza? Or the kind that people consume for hallucinogenic effects? There’s actually a whole side of mushrooms that you might not be aware of, and it lies in the world of functional mushrooms. This is where we can use mushrooms to heal ourselves.
  • 5 min read
There's a hot new buzzword in wellness, and it runs the gamut from mushroom coffee to ashwagandha face cream: We're, of course, talking about the elusive world of adaptogens.
  • 3 min read
