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In a society that associates youth with beauty and beauty with value, women have always been made acutely aware of the negative aspects of showing signs of ageing.

Older women these days increasingly face the challenges of ageism and sexism. They succumb to the common response to these obstacles, feeling uncomfortable in their own skin as they age, and trying to hide it as much as possible, through beauty treatments, cosmetic surgeries, injections and more.

But being older is a fantastic advantage for women, and there are numerous studies which prove it. According to the survey conducted by data scientist Catherine Hicks, in association with McClennan Masson and Tetra Insights, older people are happier and more productive than the other age groups, contrary to what is commonly believed. The older adults (people in their 60s, 70, and 80’s) who were surveyed, reported that their overall experiences of life brought them a feeling of calm, optimism, cheerfulness, and being full of life.

At Nourish, we believe that when following a healthy beauty and body regime, we can all feel and look good at any age. That is why, when we heard of Simone Silverman and had the opportunity to share her story, we knew there was no better way to give Nourish readers the support they need, to feel comfortable and magnificent in their own skin.

Creativity, spirit, determination, and confidence: that's the vibe that emanates from Simone. At 51 years of age, Simone says she has never felt so creative in all her life! In fact, her creativity and enthusiasm are what led her to breathe life into ‘The Silver Women’ - a beautiful platform that helps women age with a state of mind that encourages the rest of the world to stay focused, and develop a mindset that will free us to be exactly who we were meant to be, both mentally and psychically, as we move through life.

The idea of beauty treatments, cosmetic surgery and injections to make us look youthful, can possibly be damaging to our psyche, while making us feel bad about our lines. Let’s face it, the lines on our face are mostly laughter lines, and who wants to go through life without laughter?! 

Simone’s ideas and thoughts are meant to make women feel good throughout their lives, which is the best gift we can give ourselves. Channelling all her energy into her platform to ooze positivity, openness, empathy, kindness, hope, equality and insight, Simone considers aging as life’s grand journey — a collection of various emotions and experiences.


We asked Simone what inspired her to start ‘The Silver Women’…
About 4 years ago, I became disheartened by the lack of women, both middle-aged and over 50, who were represented in the media. I thought — where are all the wonderful inspiring women, like my friends? It was frustrating, and equally heart wrenching, to see older women being portrayed with a certain - dare I say the word - frumpiness.

And what would you say is the common link between these women?
RESILIENCE! It is one of the qualities I admire most in a person. The other common thread is that they are all doers. I love women who make things happen, women who march to the beat of their own drum! 

‘The Silver Women’ platform isn’t about having silver hair. I know it’s a big misconception. So, what is it actually about?
The name came from a play on my surname. I am an ‘optimum optimist’. The more devastating a situation, the more I will seek the SILVER lining. Silver seemed to be my thing.

I think women should be able to sport any damn hair color they want. But, oh my, there has been such a GRAYNAISSANCE, as I call it. I never stopped dyeing my hair, because I wanted to make a statement. I was curious to see what color my hair was. I love red hair, and I am always tempted. We will see!

It's an old adage, but you should always highlight and showcase your best qualities. We concentrate way too much on what we lack, or don’t have. A strained, tensed body and face never looks good in real life or in front of the camera. You know you’ve just got to have fun!!!

What would be your number one piece of advice for women, as they get older?
Women should not be competing with each other. I find that ridiculous. If you are going to be competitive then use that energy to improve yourself. Compete with YOURSELF!!! It will help you be your BEST VERSION!!!

We change and grow, we are organisms that keep changing, and that’s the beauty of life. Do I wish I still had the metabolism I did at 25? Sure, I do. However, I think that carrying a little more weight now that I am in my 50's, actually suits me. I feel sexier, to be honest. I also like the way I am able to learn more efficiently. In my younger years, I certainly had lots of energy, but I am better at harnessing that energy now.

So, that’s my advice. Keep looking for the positive aspects of life as you age. 


Do you think beauty, skincare and a more holistic approach to life, is important?
It definitely is! I believe in letting women choose how they want to approach beauty, skincare, etc... Some choose to be fully natural and holistic, while others, not so much. On the other hand, some women mix it up. Since I was a little girl, I have always been fanatical about skincare and maintaining glowing skin. I prefer to follow a holistic regime. So far, it’s working for me. Taking care of my health has become a priority. Health is wealth, after all! 

What nourishes you?
Feeling loved and giving love. In my opinion, they both go hand in hand. I feel nourished when my mind is being stimulated. When we are nourished, we flourish, and I think we need to take care of our minds and our bodies to ensure they are in sync throughout our lives. It’s essential.

My favorite things in life are swimming, especially naked, (how divine is that!) brisk walks, soups, hugs, red wine and lipstick. But, for me, cooking and feeding people are the most nourishing things ever!

The Silver Women platform has given Simone the opportunity to learn more about the women she interviews and the intriguing lives they’ve led. She’s shared so many laughs with them along the way and met some fabulous women, which is why she is embarking on her next venture - a podcast, currently in the making.

What makes it all worthwhile is when she receives glowing feedback from younger women. They love the interviews. Not only does it take away their fears of getting older, but it also teaches them to fall in love with all periods of their lives. After all, aging is inevitable, and it’s a beautiful journey. 
